Posted by Tyler on January 02, 1997 at 14:15:38:
In Reply to: Re: bugs and men posted by Amanda on January 02, 1997 at 03:21:23:
: I feel a bit naive. I must admit I've yet to meet atheist of the sort you describe but now that I think of it, I'm not surprised the likes exist. I suppose there are both extremes and a little bit of everything in between. Jason mentioned an article that was written by the editor of Skeptic about such types and I'm anxious to read it. I agree with you about education and the suppression of rational thought but I haven't come across anything on Gould yet where he may have had dealings with such - do you know of any examples? I'll check out Ralph Reed as well. Thanks for filling me in!
The Gould example that immediately comes to mind is his and Mayr's Punctuated Equilibrium model. It is often attacked by Creationists as an attempt of scientists and their ilk to cover the failings of evolutionary thought. What they do not realize is that neither deny gradual transition, or the mechanisms involved in traditional evolutionary biology. I fear that what I do know of the physical sciences and mathematics is balanced by a thin understanding in the life sciences, though I'm working on it. So, if you haven't already, check out the link... it's a great deal of information!
Thanx again for the comments- good to hear from you.